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Python for Cleaning Text

As one of the most popular, versatile, and beginner-friendly programming langauges, Python can be used for a variety of tasks from analyzing data to building websites.

This workshop builds on the previous workshops to clean and process text based data. Participants will practice using Python to transform data from a raw format into analyzable, structured data, like a spreadsheet. We will work within a hands-on and group learning environment. No prior experience with programming is expected, though a laptop with internet connection and a Google Drive account is required.

This session is the third in a five-part series that builds basic skills in Python programming toward working with text-based data in PUL's collections. Other workshops in the series include "Introduction to Python for Working with Text" (February 8), "Python for Web Scraping and APIs" (February 16), "Python for Text Analysis" (April 4), and "Python for Machine Learning: Text Generation" (April 25). Materials from all workshops will be made available for those who cannot attend.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024
10:00am - 12:00pm
Firestone Library - A-6-F
Firestone Library
  Princeton Faculty/Researcher     Princeton Staff     Princeton Student  
  Data & Computation  
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