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The Lifecycle of Scholarly 3D Data

In 21st century research libraries, multiple units are often producing and engaging with 3D data. This includes a growing number of standalone scanning, visualization, and 3D printing facilities operating independently on digital objects-of-study whose “primary dimension are spatial” or can be interpreted spatially. The talk is intended as a survey of these interrelated – but oftentimes administratively disparate – methods. Attendees will hear case studies and specific tool recommendations, positioned throughout this “lifecycle,” the combination of which can be deployed to ensure the scholarly rigor of 3D contents.

Matt Cook is Digital Scholarship Program Manager at Harvard Library. In this role, Matt provides instruction, assists in the development of technology spaces, and leads efforts to digitize and explore heterogenous (i.e. text, artifacts, AV, etc.) material collections, at scale, while keeping “humans in the loop” through the use of augmented and virtual reality interfaces. As a researcher, Matt studies the state and trajectory of digital scholarship generally, what it takes to manage exploratory teams in libraries, and the scholarly impact of new knowledge services related to physical fabrication and mindfulness. Find out more at mncook.net.

Friday, September 22, 2023
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Firestone Library - A-6-F
Firestone Library
  Princeton Faculty/Researcher     Princeton Staff     Princeton Student  
  Data & Computation  
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