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Hearing (World) Voices? Discovering Public Attitudes from Around the World

Public opinion serves as a rich source for taking the pulse of societies socially and politically. Polls and surveys can shed light on not only key issues of the day, such as the economy, healthcare, and political leaders, but also on attitudes about social and moral norms, relationships with other countries, inequality, democracy, the environment, political participation, technological change, and more. Come and learn about several major international public opinion sources provided by the Princeton University Library, like the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, Gallup Analytics, barometers from around the world, the Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, and more.

This workshop is being offered as part of Princeton University Library's participation in International Love Data Week 2024.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Firestone Library - B-6-F
Firestone Library
  First-Year Graduate Students     Princeton Faculty/Researcher     Princeton Staff     Princeton Student  
  Data & Computation  
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