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Cutting Plotter Training

Let's make stickers! Learn how to make custom stickers using the Graphtec cutting plotter in the PUL Makerspace.

Training is required to use the cutting plotter and consists of two parts:

1. Self-paced online learning modules that cover the cutting plotter basics and Makerspace policies

2. A one-hour hands-on session in the Makerspace, where you will make custom stickers

After completing both parts of the training, you will have access to use the Graphtec cutting plotter while a monitor is on staff.

This training is open to all current Princeton University students, staff, and faculty. Experience with cutting plotters is not required.

You must complete the modules before attending the hands-on portion of the training. You may self-enroll in the MakeNet Canvas course ahead of time with this link

Related LibGuide: About Makerspace Resources by Ariel Ackerly

Sunday, September 15, 2024
1:00pm - 2:30pm
PUL Makerspace
Lewis Science Library
  Princeton Faculty/Researcher     Princeton Staff     Princeton Student  
  Makerspace: Routine Training Sessions     Making  
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