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Friends of PUL Small Talk with Simon Morrison: "Tchaikovsky: Imperial Composer"

From an inauspicious childhood in a Ural Mountain mining town, Tchaikovsky grew up to become one of the most known composers of the Russian Empire. How? And what made his career outstanding? In part, good fortune: interest in his music from civic officials, Slavophile ideologues, Tsar Alexander III and his court in St Petersburg. 

Join the Friends of Princeton University Library and Professor Simon Morrison as he details how Tchaikovsky became an imperial composer, borrowing from and contributing to the musical traditions of Ukraine, Poland and Georgia. But he wasn’t a nationalist: His “Russia” was cosmopolitan, encompassing the music and culture of France, Germany, Italy and Scandinavia. His “Russia” pursued the beautiful, while "the real Russia" – the Russia of conquests, subjugations, and expulsions – did not. The Russia of the composer existed only in his art.

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The presentation will also be available by Zoom for non-members.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2025
4:00pm - 5:00pm
The Nassau Club, 6 Mercer Street, Princeton, NJ 08540
  Friends of Princeton University Library     Student Friends of Princeton University Library  
  Friends of the Princeton University Library Event  

Registration is required. There are no in-person seats available but a waiting list is available. There are 142 online seats available.

Simon Morrison
Simon Morrison is a Professor of Music and Slavic Languages and Literatures at Princeton University. He has written numerous books on subjects ranging from Prokofiev and Russian opera to Roxy Music and Stevie Nicks. His latest book is Tchaikovsky's Empire: A New Life of Russia's Greatest Composer (Yale University Press, 2024). His history of Moscow is forthcoming from Random House.

This event is part of the Friends of the Princeton University Library Small Talks Series.

View recordings of previous events.

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